
Composition: My Best Friend

Man cannot live without friend. But all friends are not best friend. A best friend is a very intimate friend who never cuts off with his friend and stands always by him in need. There is a  saying, a friend in need is a fiend indeed.  

A man may have a number of companions and innumerable acquaintances but quite a few are his best friends. Best friends do not desert one another in adversity. This does not mean a friend is only for help in needy times, rather real friends are bound by psychological ties. They keep in with one another for years together.

We need a best friend to comfort us in sorrow and contributes to our joy. Like others I also have a best friend. His name is Sujon. We are class mates. We read in the same school and same class. Sujon is very helpful. If I fail to understand any lesson, he help me. If I miss any class he provides me necessary class notes. He is very intelligent and attentive in his study.
He is also a good player. He is expert in all subjects.

He is also kind hearted. If he finds any body hungry, he gives his own tiffin. He is obedient to his teachers and parents.

A best friend is a very important and valuable asset in one’s life. And I am proud to be a friend of Sujon.