Liza: Hi! How are you?
Rubi: Fine and you?
Liza: Not fine. I am fed up with my life.
Rubi: Why? Anything wrong?
Liza: Everything wrong. Load shedding often interrupts my studies.
Rubi: Right. Load-shedding tell upon almost all sector of our life.
Liza: You will be surprised. Last night there was 6 hours long load shedding. I could not study for a single moment.
Rubi: During night it has become impossible to study.
Liza: Final exam is knocking at the door. What shall I do?
Rubi: What is the cause of load shedding?
Liza: Power shortage. Government is delivering speeches only. But no sign of development. Every government says that they are increasing power production. But everything all the same.
Rubi: Some one should do something.
Liza: Who will do if the government takes no step?
Rubi: It is our national problem. There is no possibility of solving the problem soon.
Liza: But the government should keep eyes on students because final exam will start very soon.
Rubi: I am thinking of writing a letter in newspaper.
Liza: that’s a good idea. Oh, Rubi I have to go now.
Rubi: Ok. See you later. Bye.
Liza: Bye.