A calendar is the chronology of days, weeks, months and year. One calendar usually shows one year. But there are some digital calendars which show the chronology of about 100 years. A calendar helps us to maintain our routine of work and study. Calendar contains the name of days and months. We find 365 days, 52 weeks and 12 months in a calendar. In leap year, a calendar shows 366 days where February month consists of 29 days. Calendar was first introduced by the Greeks. Today’s calendar is much modified that those. In Bangladesh, calendar usually shows Christ year, Bangla year and Hijri year. Calendar helps us to remember important events of our life. If there were no calendar, we could not observe our birth days. We also could not observe the anniversaries of our near and dear ones. At present, calendars contain beautiful sceneries. I want to thank calendar because it helps me to remember my birth day when I receive many gifts from my parents and relatives.