Health is wealth. It is the root of all happiness. Health is the state of having sound mind in a sound body. Good health refers to the physical and mental soundness which makes one healthy, fit and active and keeps one free from diseases. But it is not easy to maintain good health. In order to keep good health, one should follow certain rules of health. To keep sound body, the rules of health should be followed strictly. First of all, take physical exercise regularly and eat a balanced diet. Without taking physical exercise, nobody can remain hale and hearty. Walking in the morning is the best exercise. In morning the environment is calm and quiet. We can breath in fresh air. Besides, the habit of early rising is very essential to have a good health. Then, take proper rest. Next, drink clean and sufficient water. Pollution free water is essential because polluted water causes different water-born diseases. After that, take leafy vegetables. Try to be free from tension and. Finally, cleanliness is very important and so keep yourself and your environment neat and clean. Bear in mind that cleanliness in an indispensable part of belief. Besides, one may take part in various sports and games for the purpose. He should not keep late hours at night and should get up early in the morning. And thus sound health can be preserved.