A school library refers to a library which belongs to a school. A library provides the students with books essential for their study. A school library is usually housed in a suitable place within the school boundary. But different schools house their libraries in different places according to their choice and scope. As ours is a renowned school, we have a big library. Our library has a huge collection of books on different subjects and topics. However most of the books in our school library are textual. There are books of almost each subject. But books of Bangla litereture such as novels, short stories, essays, poetry are greater in number than others. The books are well arranged by dint of their size, value and importance. We have library man who is very well mannered and keeps the library neat and clean. However, as the number of students of our school is increasing, every year our school library should be enriched with more books. A school library plays a vital role in the academic affairs of students. By studying in a library regularly, a student can do well in the examination which ultimately leads him to the pinnacle of success.