Application: For a seat in the school hostel

06 October 2015

The Headmaster
Fatehabad High School

Subject: Prayer for a seat in the school hostel.

With due respect and humble submission I beg to state that I have been a regular student of your school for last 6 years. My father is a government employee. He has been transferred from here to Dhaka. My family has already been shifted there. But I cannot go with them as you know our annual exam is very close. Besides, I have no relative here to live with them. In this situation I am badly in need of a seat in the school hostel.

May I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to allot a seat for me in the school hostel and oblige thereby.

I remain

You most obedient pupil
Abdulla Al Noman
Class: VII
Section: Modhumoti

Roll: 57