My first day at college has become an ever fresh memory in my mind. When I was in school, I longed for this day. At last it came.
I passed the SSC Examination with credit. I was duly admitted in to college. My memorable day was August 20, 2002. That day I had my bath and breakfast earlier. I put on my new cloths and went out for the college at 9 a.m. with my parents’ blessings. The college building came into my view. My heart leapt up with pleasure.
I reached the campus of Jessore College . It took me some fifteen minutes to reach there. This time I felt nervous. My feet seemed not to have touched the ground. The large building, though I saw it before, appeared new to me. The building, its majestic structure, and the large campus occupied a new place in my mind. I found myself in a new world. I saw some boys in front of a board. I went there and saw our class routine. I took the routine.
The bell rang. It was 10 a.m. According to routine I entered a room numbered four. It was very spacious. Some students were already seated there. I sat down on the second bench of the second row. After a few moments a smart gentleman entered. We all stood up and honoured him. He with a happy smile told us to be seated. He was the professor of English. When we sat down, he called over the role. He advised us to be punctual and regular, to be obedient to teachers, to be sympathetic and to be friendly with our classmates. The bell duly rang. The teacher left the class.
We went out. The second period was off-period. So I with one of my new classmates walked round the different blocks of the college building. I went to the student’s common room. I saw there some students playing at table tennis, some at carom board, some sitting on the chairs and reading newspapers . Then I went to the college library. The library was furnished with many shelves full of books. The bell rang. I entered the classroom. It was our accounting class. The class was also interesting to me.
The class being over, I left the college. I returned home with a joyous mind.