Paragraph: Environment Pollution

Environment refers to our surroundings such as air, water, people, plants and others. Pollution means contamination of one substance by another substance. It is a process by which the ecological balance of our environment is disturbed. There are various kinds of pollution, for example, air pollution, water pollution, sound pollution, etc. Water can be polluted in many ways. We throw waste into water. Various insecticides used by the farmers get mixed with water and pollute it. Mills and factories also release their poisonous chemicals and water products into rivers. Another important element of the environment is air. Air is polluted by smoke and fume. Mills and factories create a lot of smoke. Man makes fire to cook food, for construction of roads, etc. Ground or soil is also polluted. Farmers use chemicals for more production. These chemicals pollute soil. Unused polythene bags also pollute soil. We all know the harmful effect of polluted air, water, and soil. Without safe environment, we can not live a healthy life. So, we all should be careful to keep our environment pollution free.