Bangladesh has been suffering from various problems since its birth in 1971. Along with other problems, it has to face different natural calamities round the year. Flood is one of the devastating natural calamities which visit Bangladesh almost every year. About two third population of Bangladesh have direct or indirect experience of flood. Recently I have visited a flood affected area.
Since flood is very common and it visits Bangladesh almost every year, there are many volunteer organizations to help the flood affected people. I enlisted myself with a volunteer organization and during August of this year I visited a village which was flood-affected seriously. Almost all the people of the village were the victims of flood which caused untold sufferings to them. The water level rose abnormally. It inundated the whole village and its surrounding areas and finally water touched almost the roof of many houses.
We built many temporary houses on high places. We also helped many people to repair or shift their houses so that they live during the flood. Many people started living on their roofs and we helped them to make temporary sheds on the roofs.
All communications were suspended. Standing crops were damaged, trees were uprooted and many houses were washed away. Human beings, cattle and other domestic animals were passing their days with untold sufferings. The flood water washed away the stored food stuffs and left people in grief and starvation.
We opened different relief camps in nearby schools and colleges. The people were also suffering greatly for want of food, clothes, pure drinking water, and medicine. We received adequate reliefs from government and different non-government organizations. We distributed them properly so that sufferings do not assume epidemic shape.
The affected people were receiving food, shelter and medicine but they were not happy at all. In fact, it caused a great devastation. Many people lost their property. Even many people died. Above all it was a terrible scene. I will never forget it.