Bangladesh is one of the most densely populated countries in the world. Her population is increasing day by day. Every year more than two million people are being added to our population. It has become a serious problem for us. In fact, it is the number one problem of our country.
The land area of Bangladesh is less than her vast population. More than 1000 people live per square kilometer here. There are many reasons of increasing population in our country.
The main reasons of increasing population are ignorance, superstitions, early marriage and lack of female education. Most of the people of our country are illiterate. They do not know about the problems of over population. Because of being illiterate, they are not aware of family planning. Besides, religious superstitions obstruct our people in taking family planning. Early marriage is also responsible for increasing population.
Though population is an asset to a country, it has now become a burden for our country. It creates the problem of food, shelter, health, nutrition, unemployment, treatment, communication etc. Over population obstructs our national development. Unemployment problem is a horrible outcome of over population.
Unemployed youths engage themselves in different anti-social activities which destroy the harmony of society. Social crimes increase and frustrated youths become drug addicted. Development of a country gets hampered.
However, we must come forward to control this over growth of population. We should take some measures to control it. People should make aware of adopting family planning. Early marriage must be stopped. Our womenfolk should be given training on family planning. They must be aware of the negative effect of over population. Mass media like radio, television and newspaper can play a vital role in this regard.