From: Rehanul Haque <>
To: Raihan Ahmed <>
Sent: Sunday, November 12, 2015; 5:00 pm
Subject: Invitation to spend summer vacation with me.
Dear Raihan,
Hope you are well. You haven’t written me for a long time. Is it a very hard task to send a mail?
However, My school is going to be closed for summer vacation. And yours also. You are cordially invited to my house to spend the vacation. If you come, both of us will pass a great time. We will visit many places. I will take you to Sagor Dari, the birth place of Michael Modhusudan Dutt. There are many interesting places in my town. We will pay visit there. You know we have two large mango trees. This time the trees are full of mangoes.
Please don’t miss this great opportunity of getting together.
Your friend