Earthquake is a terrible kind of natural calamity. Where earthquake occurs the earth shakes. If the earth shakes violently, the result is disastrous. Man may escape from other kinds of calamity. But if earthquake occurs, there is no way out.
The interior of the earth is full of hot liquid. When the water from a sea passes down through the crack and touches the hot liquid, it gives rise to a mass of steam. When the steam expands and dashes to come out, the earth is violently shaken. Thus happens the earthquake.
When earthquake happens, the earth comes under a terrible convulsion. Huge castles and buildings are violently shaken. A lot of trees shake violently and get uprooted. People cannot stand upright. Water in ponds and rivers is thrown upward. Earthquake makes a heavy loss of life and property. Crops are ruined. Famine breaks out. Within a few minutes beautiful cities turn into debris.
Some regions of the earth are prone to earthquake while others are comparatively safe from this natural disaster. It is now frequently felt in Bangladesh . But most of our people are not aware of the gravity of its loss. Because of the recurrence of earth-quakes, experts have given more attention to this issue in recent times. Some countries like Japan , Iran etc. are frequently hit by earthquake. We all know about the recent earthquake in Nepal.
Earthquakes are not new to the world. It is a very common thing on many parts of the earth. Japan is the constant victim of earthquakes. So, the Japanese make houses of paper boards. India, too is not altogether free from this natural calamity. In 1993 Maharastra, India, had faced a terrible earthquake. Earthquake cannot be prevented. We have to wait for the scientific developments that may find a remedy to this terrible upsurge. But we can minimize the losses if we are aware.