The term global warming was probably first used in its modern sense on 8 August 1975 in a science paper by Wally Broecker in the journal ‘Science’. Now a day the term ‘Global Warming’ has become very common among the concerned people and environmentalist.
Global warming is the process by which the air surrounding the earth is becoming warmer day by day. In other words, it is the gradual warming of the air which ultimately results in the gradual increase in world temperature. It is the horrible consequence of different types of environmental pollution.
There are many causes of the greenhouse effect. We know that trees and green plants take in carbon dioxide. The burning down of green tropical forests is a great cause of global warming. People are destroying forests for building houses, factories and other infrastructure. But they are not planting trees as much as they are destroying. It is another reason of global warming. Besides, the increasing development of industry is producing tons of smoke and fume which contain carbon dioxide and pollute the air. Chlorofluorocarbon or CFC is another culprit for global warming. CFC is a kind of gas which is used in different commercial products. The use of different detergents is also responsible for global warming.
Before the 19th century, people were not aware of global warming. A statistics show that average temperature of the world has increased about 0.8 °C (1.4 °F) by the year 1985. As a result, human being is supposed to face great threats. It can cause different kind of natural disasters because of the rise of temperature. Frequent flood, cyclone, heavy rain, drought, extreme heat and cold are the results of global warming. The most thundering news about global warming is that it can greatly damage men’s ability to produce food and can destroy wildlife. For it, sea level can rise and flood the coastal areas and farmlands. If global warming continues at present rate, the lower southern part of Bangladesh may go under water after 2050.
The global community is looking into the matter with great importance. At the 15th UNFCCC Conference, held in 2009 at Copenhagen, several UNFCCC Parties produced the Copenhagen Accord where around 140 countries aimed to limit the future increase in global temperature. Even the responsible countries or developed countries agreed to compensate for checking further increase in temperature and to take necessary steps for minimizing losses. In order to protect ourselves from its catastrophic impact, we should take some effective measures. We should plant more trees and should not use CFCs and other poisonous chemicals indiscriminately.
At the same time, we must be careful of our environment. We should always try to keep our environment pollution free. We have only one world to live. If we spoil it today, how our next generation will live here.