Health is wealth. It is the root of all happiness. Health is the state of having sound mind in a sound body. It is said that a healthy man never be unhappy. To keep sound body, the rules of health should be followed strictly.
First of all, we have to take physical exercise regularly and eat a balanced died. Without taking physical exercise, nobody can remain hale and hearty. Physical exercises can be of different kinds. We can do freehand exercises like walking, running, jumping etc. We can do physical exercise in any gymnasium also. We can make a mini gym at our house, too. Exercise is important for our health. But we should not do over exercise. At the same time, no one should do exercise in empty belly.
To participate in games and sports is very helpful to keep in good health. We can take part in games and sports as hobby or we can make a habit of taking part. If we notice any player of any game, we see that he or she is healthy and fit. Generally, athletes are very enthusiastic and energetic. Their regular practice is the main reason behind this.
Then, we have to take proper rest and repose. Proper rest is very important because it makes us fresh. We should not be late to bed. We should form the habit of getting up before sunrise. Before sunrise, the environment is calm and fresh. Such environment makes us jolly and enthusiastic. Beside taking rest, we have to be free from tension. Tensed mind affects our health. If we face any problem, we have to think over that in cool head. Excessive tension sometimes leads people to drug addiction. We always should stay far from any kind of drug if we really want to keep in good health.
Next comes food habit. We should drink clean and sufficient water. Water is a very important part of our body as well as good health. Pollution free water is essential because polluted water causes different water borne diseases. We should take balanced diet along with leafy vegetables because these are very nutritious. We can make a habit of taking at least one glass of pure milk a day. Egg is also very nutritious.
Finally, cleanliness is very important and so keep yourselves and your environment neat and clean. Cleanliness is the prerequisite of good health. We should be careful of our environment. And thus sound health can be preserved.