A journey is always interesting to all. I am not different. I also love journey very much. I like almost all kind of journey but journey by train is the best to me. Last month I had a travel by train. My aunt wrote to me to pass a few days with her at Mymensingh. I could not but obey her.
I reached the Dhaka station at 7o’clock. I bought my ticket and got into a second class compartment. But there was hardly any room for me. I kept standing almost with many other passengers. The guard blew the whistle and waved the flag. The train began moving.
The train ran at a great speed. I somehow looked outside and enjoyed many sights and scenes. Things of the distance came up before my eyes for a moment and then disappeared. The trees seemed to run to the opposite direction of the train.
The train halted at joydevpur after a time. Some people got down at that station and I could sit. The train started again and ran on. Soon it began running through the forest. The tall trees with green leaves overhead gave a nice view. They began to disappear in the twinkling of an eye. It gave me great joy.
Then the train came onto a bridge.When it was crossing the river over the bridge, it created so harsh sound that I got frightened.Once I looked down to see the river. But my heartbit increased.
Then the train came across a vast field.The field was full of matured crops.Farmers were working there and cowboys were grazing their cattle.I also noticed some girls and women who were helping the farmers.
The train ran on and on. It halted only at big stations. At the small ones railway servants waved green flags giving clearing signal to the train. The compartment also wonderful to me. Some passengers were talking on various topics. Some were sleeping and some were looking outside.
At last the train reached Mymensingh. I got down and saw my cousin waiting for me. He welcomed me with open arms and led me to the house of my dear aunt.Still today this journey is vivid in my mind.