Every man likes to remember his past. None is satisfied with his present condition. Because childhood is always pleasant to us. Like many people of the world, I try to recollect the events my childhood.
It is true that we cannot remember all the events of our life. At the same time, we can never forget some events of our life. The jolly events of our childhood always remain vivid in our mind.
When I was a little boy, I was in my village home. The river Tista passes by our village.I and my friends used to play on the bank of the river. In summer swam in the river. Sometimes, we stole different fruits from people's trees.
My parents sent me to local Moktab for learning Quran. That was another interesting incident of my life. We learnt our lesson with a great noise.
The most memorable event of my life is my admission to school. When I reached 6, my father took me to our village primary school. We entered into the head master's room. The head master asked me some questions with a smiling face. I answered them properly and he encouraged me. Then I was taken to a class room. Thus my student life started.
One day I lost the way of my house. I got frightened. My mother cried a lot for me.
Sittings in the PECE is another memorable event in my life. Before the first exam I was so excited that I couldn't sleep whole night.
The events of childhood are always rosy in our mind. But it is difficult to describe them all in such a short composition.