Price hike means the increase of commodities from its real price. Price of any product can be increased at any time usually during natural calamities. Our country is visited by many natural calamities like flood, cyclones, drought etc. and during this time daily commodities go beyond our reach though we can bear it. But sometimes prices are increased without any reason.
The main reason of price hike is the syndicate of dishonest business man. They store commodities illegally and supply a small portion even during dire need. As the supply is less, price goes up. Common people are helpless. Not only the business man but also politicians are responsible. Because many of them are engaged with the syndicate. Police and concerned authority remain silent taking bribe. The don’t think of the common people, they think of their own profit only.
Poor people are mainly affected by price hike. Their income doesn’t rise with price hike. So they have to consume less than they need. The poor become poorer and the rich become richer. Suffering of common people remains stand still.
Every problem has its solution. Price hike can also be solved. First of all we, the common people, have to be concerned. We must elect an honest person as our representative. Concerned authority and government should come forward in true sense. If we all work together hand in hand, one day our problem will be solved.