Some Interesting Facts about the English Language

·        The word ‘England’ means land of people. 67 sovereign states use English as their first language. English is called Lingua Franca. Lingua Franca is a medium of communication between two people whose mother tongue is not English. We know that English is an international language. But it is also called the language of the sky because every pilot has to speak English in the air.

·        The word ‘Alphabet’ comes from the first two letters of Greek alphabet ‘Alpha’ and ‘Beta’.

·        ‘Uncopyrightable’ is the longest English word in normal use that contains no letter more than once.

·        ‘Orange, Month, Silver, Angel & Bulb’ have no rhyming words in dictionary.

·        Both the words ‘Listen’ and ‘Silent’ contain the same letters.

·        ‘Pronunciation’ is the most mispronounced world in English.

·        Lexicography is the art of compiling, editing, and writing dictionaries. The first English Dictionary was printed on 15th April, 1755. It was Samuel Johnson who wrote (better to say compile) the first English Dictionary entitled A Dictionary of the English Language. Oxford English Dictionary was first published in 1888. The first volume contained only the words that start with A and B.

·        ‘Bookkeeper’ is the only word in English language with three consecutive double letters.

·        ‘Angry’ and ‘Hungry’ are the two words that end with ‘gry’. ‘Dreamt’ is the only word in English that ends with the letters ‘mt’.

·        The following sentence contains all 26 letters of the alphabet:
‘The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.’ A sentence that contains all 26 letters of the alphabet is called a ‘Pangram’.

·        The dot over the letter ‘i’ and ‘j’ is called a ‘superscript dot’.

·        If we place a comma before the word ‘and’ at the end of a list, this is known as an ‘Oxford comma’ or a ‘serial comma’. For example: ‘I like coffee, tea, and juice.’

·        The word ‘Checkmate’ in chess means ‘the king is helpless’.

·        The longest English word without a true vowel (a, e, i, o or u) is ‘rhythm’.

·        Every syllable in English must have a vowel or vowel sound.

·        ‘mate,’ ‘eight’ and ‘strait’ make the same sound in pronunciation but completely different in spelling.

·        More English words begin with the letter ‘S’ than any other letter of the alphabet.

·        Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis’ is the longest word in English having  45 letters. It is a type of lung disease caused by inhaling ash and sand dust.

·        Ask your friend to utter the following sentence without any pause: “sixth sick sheik’s sixth sheep’s sick”. This sentence is called the tough tongued sentence since almost every one mistakes first time.

·        We know the meaning of the word ‘husband’. Now guess the meaning of the word in the following sentence: Times are hard and we have to husband our resources. When we use the word ‘husband’ as verb, it means to use something carefully and effectively. And another word ‘husbandry’ means farming. In the sentence "if you school your horse properly, your riding will look better" school is synonymous to ‘teach’.

·        There are 26 letter, 5 vowels, 21 consonants and 2 semi-vowels (w and y) in the English language. According to a report by the Global Language Monitor on January 1, 2014, there are more than 1,000,000 words in English. And the same report says that about 14 new words are created every day.