A long time ago the town of Hamelin became full of rats. The Rates were so big and so fierce that they fought the dogs, killed the cats and bit the babies in the cradles and ate up the corn in the granaries. At last the people of Hamelin requested their Mayor to take any step but the Mayor failed to remove the violent rats. However, there came a pied piper who could remove the rats but he demanded a thousand guilders. The Mayor and his councilors accepted his proposal. The pied piper played his magical flute; all the rats followed him and died diving in the nearby river. After completing his task, the piper demanded his money. But the Mayor refused to pay the promised money and he offered fifty guilders only. Being dissatisfied, the piper left the Mayor’s office and started playing another flute with a different tune. Hearing the new tune, all the children of Hamelin started following him laughing and dancing. People of Hamelin thought that the piper was just entertaining the children but the children crossed a hill following the piper from where they never came back. The pied piper, in this way, took the revenge on the people of Hamelin.