There lived a very clever fox in a jungle. One day while walking through the jungle he fell into a trap.He struggled hard and at last was able to come out of the trap minus his tail. The fox was very sad as he thought he looked strange and foolish without his tail. He became envious of the other foxes who obviously looked more handsome, and made a plan to have their tails cut. He called a meeting of all the resident foxes of the jungle. As the foxes assembled for the meeting he shouted to them. “Dear friends! I’ve made a great discovery. “After a long research I’ve found that we don’t need our tails”, said he. “They make you look ugly and dirty but they are of little use”, added he
“So friends? What’s the use of carrying such a heavy load of a tail all the time?” He asked. “So I advice all of you to do away with your tails”, he concluded. “You’ll look far better without them. I’m sure look! I’ve already cut off mine”, he tried to convince the others.
The listeners were very confused and were trying to assess the situation. But and old fox saw through the evil scheme of the fox without a tail. “You didn’t cut your tail”, said he, pointing at the speaker, “May be you’ve lost it in some way or other, and now you want the others to lose their tails.” Then all the foxes got angry at him and started shouting. Realizing the situation, the fox fled away.