Sent: 13 March, 2019, 8:43pm
Subject : Lend me some books
Dear Farhan,
Hope you are hale and hearty. I am also well by the grace of Allah. You know my exam is going to start next month. I have taken a good preparation and hope I will be able to cut a good figure in the exam. Now I am revising all the subjects. Unfortunately, my science and BGS books are missing. You know recently we have been shifted to a new house. I think the books are somewhere in the house but out of my sight right now. If I don't find my copies, I will buy them shortly. Please, lend me your books for a few days so that I can continue my study. I will return them within a week. If you agree, I will come to your house tomorrow.
Waiting for your reply. No more today.
Your loving friend