Patient: May I come in, sir?
Doctor: Yes, come in.
Patient: Good afternoon, sir.
Doctor: Good afternoon. Please sit down and tell me about your problem.
Patient: Thanks. I am a student. My examination is knocking at the door.
Doctor: Every student has to face exam. What’s your problem?
Patient: I have been suffering from fever for last three days. So, I can’t study properly. But I need to study a lot.
Doctor: Please lie on the bed. Show me your tongue. Breath fast.
Patient: Sir, I also have a bad headache.
Doctor: O, I see. Get up and sit on the chair again.
Patient: What’s wrong sir? Anything dangerous?
Doctor: Don’t worry, nothing serious. How long do you study every day?
Patient: 8-10 hours a day.
Doctor: That means you go to bed late and get up early, don’t you?
Patient: Yes sir.
Doctor: This is your problem. Listen, human body is not a machine. Your body needs rest.
Patient: What to do now?
Doctor: Take adequate rest. This is your main medicine. Eat food in time and sleep at least 7 hours a day. And take this medicine once in a day. It’s all.
Patient: Thank you doctor.
Doctor: You are most welcome.