Rana: Good morning., Dipu. How are you?
Dipu: Good morning. Thanks. I am fine and you?
Rana: I am also fine. I am very glad at your brilliant result in the HSC Examination. Would you tell me about your future plan?
Dipu: I have already made up my mind to study law. I will join politics after completing my studies.
Rana: Why do you want to be a politician?
Dipu: I wish to serve my countrymen by driving away nasty politics. People have no faith on politicians. They think that politicians are all corrupt.
Rana: Isn’t it true?
Dipu: Yes, it is.
Rana: Yet you want to be a politician. Why?
Dipu: I want to remove the stigma. I want to prove that all politicians are not corrupt. Besides, without honest politician, no nation can prosper in true sense. You should not forget that nothing is impossible for man. A patriotic leader can stamp out all kinds of corruption and injustice from the country. Please pray for me.
Rana: All these are true. But it is really a difficult task.
Dipu: You are right. People only blame politicians but they don’t want to be honest politician. I want to show the path.
Rana: I am very glad at this. I am sure that we will be able to eradicate evil politics from the country if people start thinking like this.
Dipu: Thanks.
Rana: Thanks a lot. See you again. No more today. Good-bye!
Dipu: you are most welcome. Good-bye!