Long ago there lived a hare in a forest. A tortoise also lived nearby. The hare was always proud of his speed. The hare always teased the tortoise. One day he challenged the tortoise to defeat him in a race. The tortoise accepted the challenge. They went to a fox and wanted him to act as a judge. The next day the hare and the tortoise reached the venue. They got ready. As the fox waved the flag, the two started running. The hare ran very swiftly. But the tortoise ran very slowly. The hare covered much distance but the tortoise was far behind him. He decided to make rest for some time and slept. But the tortoise was running. Once the overtook the hare who was sleeping. But the tortoise didn’t call him. When the tortoise was about to reach the destiny, the hare wake up. But it was too late. He ran his best to pass the tortoise but failed because it was too late to reach him. The tortoise won the race and the hare repented for his negligence.