Once upon a time there was a king called Midas. He was extremely fond of gold. Although he had a lof of it, he wanted more. He thought if he had the golden touch, he would be the happiest man. A wise God granted his wish promptly. One morning he got up early in the morning and started walking about in his garden as usual. He touched an apple which was lying beneath an apple tree. And he saw, in his utter surprise, that the apple had turned into a piece of gold. He was amazed. He then touched another plant which, in an instant, turned into gold. It was really amusing to him. He started playing with his new found blessing. Right at this moment, his only daughter entered the garden. He embraced his daughter to share his delight with her. To his sheer grief, he found her daughter being turned into a statue of gold. His voice got choked due to fear and loss f love. His emotions failed his thinking. But after a few moments he got back to himself and prayed to the God to take back the destructive blessing. After few moments, the girl came to life. The king became happy.