My first day at school has become an ever fresh memory in my mind. When I was a little boy, I longed for this day. At last it came. I passed 5 years and completed my initial education from my mother at home.
My memorable day was August 20, 1992. I put on my new cloths and went out for the school at 9 a.m. with my father. I reached the campus of Railgate Primary School. It took us some fifteen minutes to reach there. My feet seemed not to have touched the ground.
I found myself in a new world. I saw some boys in front of a board. My father went there and found my name for admission test. It was 10 a.m. According to routine I entered a room numbered four. I sat down on the second bench of the second row.After a few moments a smart gentleman entered. We all stood up and honoured him. He was our English teacher. He gave us a sheet of paper and instruct us to write. I answered all the questions properly.The bell duly rang. The teacher left the class. Then we went to the head teacher one by one.He asked us some easy questions and wrote some thing on a sheet in front of him. By this time, result of the admission test was published and I was selected.
Then we were taken to a class room. It was orientation class. A teacher entered into the class and talk to us. He advised us to be punctual and regular, to be obedient to teachers, to be sympathetic and to be friendly with our classmates. The bell duly rang. The teacher left the class.
The class being over, I left the school. I returned home with a joyous mind.