Dialogue: Between two friends about merits and demerits of mobile phone

Rafiq: Hello Shafiq, how are you?

Shafiq: I am fine and you?

Rafiq: I am also fine. Do you know I bought a new mobile phone yesterday? Here it is.

Shafiq: Nice, very nice. What do you think about mobile phone?

Rafiq: Mobile phone is a very essential device. It has made our communication easy. It adds speed in our life. We can take photo; video and we can enjoy music from a mobile.

Shafiq: Yes you are right. But there are some demerits of mobile.

Rafiq: What are you talking about?

Shafiq: Now a day mobile has become an easy way of teasing girl. Some people commit crime using

Rafiq: Not these are only. Much use of mobile is harmful for health. It harms our hearing power.

Shafiq: Really! I didn’t know it before.

Rafiq: Even some students cannot concentrate in study because they talk over mobile the whole night.

Shafiq: This point is also correct. Because the operators provide facilities at night.

Rafiq: But it is not the fault of mobile. It is our fault.

Shafiq: Of course. We should make the proper use of mobile.

Rafiq: I have to go now. It’s time for my private tutor.

Shafiq: Ok. See you later. Bye.

Rafiq: Bye.