A tea stall is a very common and well known place around us. A tea stall is a small shop where prepared tea and other things are sold for the passers-by and local people. It is a common place to all classes of people. It is usually found where the common people are available such as: at the turn of the road, bus stands, railway stations, Bazaar or even beside an office. It opens early in the morning and closes at late night. Biscuits, bread, bananas, betel leaf and different kinds of handmade snacks are available there. A tea stall is furnished with some benches and tables. A boy is employed in a tea stall to serve the customers. But in some tea stalls there is no boy and the owner does everything single handed. People refresh themselves with a cup of tea in a tea stall. People who come to a tea stall usually do not leave it immediately after taking a cup of tea. A tea stall is also a place where social disputes are settled. People mainly talk about politics and current affairs. This is why some people call it a Mini Sangsad by fun. In fact, tea stall is now–a-days an important place of social gathering. At present stalkers take shelter in any tea stall near school-colleges and tease girls. It is creating a very bad impact on our society. Despite some dark aspect, a tea stall occupies an important place in our day-to-day life.