Once, a dog stole a piece of meat from a shop. Holding it in his mouth, he was running beside a stream. While the dog was crossing a bridge over the stream, it discovered an image in the water. Actually it was his own shadow reflected in the clear water of the stream. But unfortunately, he mistook it for another living dog with a large piece of meat. The dog was very greedy. He could not control the temptation for the meat reflected in the stream. So he hit upon a plan in his greedy mind. He decided to snatch away that piece of meat because he wanted to have a feast with the two piece of meat. He was thinking what to do. He moved. The image moved as well. While trying to get the meal he barked. And at the time of barking his own piece of meat fell down on the stream from his mouth and the current of the stream took away the meat immediately. Thus being over greedy the dog lost his own meat.