Once a lion was asleep in a deep forest. A little mouse was playing nearby. He ran over the lion’s body several times. The lion got up and felt much disturbed. He held him tightly and would not let him go. The mouse said, “Please let me go, Sir. One day I will help you”. The lion laughed at him. “How could a little mouse help a big lion?” he thought. The lion said “very will, I will let you go. But you must run more carefully”. The mouse was very grateful. It said, “Thank you sir. You are very kind”. The next week the mouse was again looking for something to eat. Then it saw that the lion was tied into a net under a tree. The lion was groaning and shouting for help. But nobody was there. The mouse came to him. The mouse said, “Don’t worry sir. I will help you”. It cut the ropes of the net with his sharp teeth one after another and soon the lion was free. Then the lion realized that a little animal can also help others. He was very grateful to the mouse and said, “Thank you very much”.