Once upon a time, a dove and a bat were very good friends. One day the two friends decided to set out on a journey. They flew over the rivers and hills and came to a big jungle. Both the friends were very tired, they needed to sit down and take a rest. Soon night fell and it was dark all around. A storm rose. It started to rain heavily. The dove and the bat started to look for a shelter. They came upon a century-old rain tree. An owl had his nest in that tree. The dove and the bat requested the owl to give them shelter. They begged for some food too. The selfish owl was not happy. But he gave them shelter and shared his dinner with them. The dove was so tired that she could not eat much. But the bat was sly. He ate greedily. Now he began to praise the owl in the hope of getting more food. The owl was very pleased at the bat’s flattery. At the same time he was expecting praise from the dove. But the dove kept silent. The bat insisted to praise the owl. But the dove said that she had nothing to say about the owl. The owl got angry and started rebuked her. The bat also joined the owl. Both of them drove the dove away from the nest on the stormy night. But the cruel owl and bat did not go unpunished. They were cursed. The owl cannot move in day light and the bat cannot sleep at all. But the truthful dove is loved by all even today.