Now I am a student. Like many students, I also have an aim. I am confident that I shall make a good result. I often think which line I should take up after my school and college career. I have consulted with my father. A person should determine it according to his own choice and aptitude.
After much consideration, I have decided to become an ideal farmer. There are many problems in our country. Rapid growth of population is the biggest problem. Related to this, another mammoth problem is to produce adequate food for the growing population. From our text book I come to know that the amount of farming land is decreasing every year. As population is increasing, they need more land for settlement. So, they are making houses on farming land and destroying forests. As a result, the area of farming land is decreasing but the need of more food is increasing. To check this problem, we have to increase our agricultural production scientifically.
But, it is a matter of great regret that educated people in our country are not willing to take farming as profession. For thousands of years, our agriculture remains in the hand of uneducated farmer. They are the real maker of our country and nation. But as they are illiterate, they don’t know how to cultivate scientifically. They only work hard but don’t get what they are supposed to get.
After completing my SSC and HSC in science, I will get myself admitted into an agricultural university. Completing my B.Sc and M.Sc in agriculture, I will go back to my village where I was born. We have some land and I will try to manage some more with the help of my father. I will apply all the knowledge of my study. I will also research for new invention if possible. Besides farming scientifically, I will train the illiterate farmers of my village because I alone
cannot solve the food problem of my country. I will teach them free of cost. I will show them and inspire them to apply new technologies of science.
Besides producing crops I will establish a dairy farm. It will provide me both milk and fertilizer. Local whole sellers cheat the farmers. So, I will make a co-operative society and send goods to the buyers of town so that I along with other farmers can get the real price.
The main reason behind my choosing farming as profession is to inspire next generation to come to village. We need town, too, but we cannot exist without farming. Concerned people of all sectors of society should understand this. And thus one day our beloved country will really become a Sonar Bangla.