The Modern age is beset with many problems. In such an age, we do not have unalloyed joy and satisfaction. If we make ourselves mere slaves of a routine, our life will become very much boring, monotonous and cheerless. But we can avoid the monotony of life and get a lot of fun if we spend our leisure in some pleasant activities. Hobbies can help us to get rid of monotonous
There are many kinds of hobbies. Many like the form of collecting. Some collect foreign stamps or coins. Some like gardening, raising pigeon and so on.Such hobbies do not cost much and are within the reach of all. But others, such as collecting pictures, rare old books, antiques, are only for the rich.
Angling is my favorite hobby. It may not please all; but I get a much joy when I hook a big fish after sitting for hours.Bangladesh is a riverine country and the fishes are numerous in kinds. We have a large tank beside our house, and it is full of different kinds of fishes. Whenever I get a holiday, I make necessary arrangements for fishing. Angling disciplines the mind. If an angler fails to have much patience, surely fortune will not come to him. But if he remains ever vigilant, his joy will know no bounds, undoubtedly.
Angling helps me in many ways. Patience, concentration, discipline, attention these are the qualities which I develop from this hobby. Besides, angling has kept me aloof from the association of evil persons. I never indulge in speaking ill of others. On the other hand, I fully enjoy and utilize my leisure by the way of catching fish.