In this world human beings depend much on trees. Trees supply us with oxygen, food, furniture, etc and take carbon dioxide in which is harmful for human beings and all animals. So, our life on earth largely depends upon trees. But it is a matter of great regret that we are cutting down trees very unwisely for some quick profit. It is really a matter of great sorrow and concern.
First, it is important to know what trees do for us. Man needs oxygen. In every breath we take oxygen in and leave carbon dioxide out. Trees leave oxygen out and take carbon dioxide in. thus they provide us with the most necessary thing we need on earth. Trees also give us food and shelter. We cannot live without the help of trees.
Thousands of medicines are made from trees. Age old medicure system Ayurvedic completely depends on trees. Medicines made from trees are free from side effect. We cannot think of the modern world without papers. Everyday we use thousand tones of papers. These papers are also made from threes. The clothes we wear is also made from trees. Hundreds of mills and factories directly depend on trees.
But at present people are cutting down trees at a large scale. There are many reasons of cutting down trees. Man is cutting down them mainly for firewood and furniture. Every day our population is increasing. So, more firewood and furniture are needed for the additional people.
Tropical rain forests are also being cleared at a high rate. It takes thousands of years to grow a tropical rain forest. But at present they are being cleared at the rate of fourteen square miles per hour.
The effect of deforestation is very harmful. For this, ‘Greenhouse Effect’ has occurred and the temperature of the world is increasing day by day. Ice is melting in the South and North Poles. The level of water in the sea is increasing and many countries will go under water. If deforestation continues, we will face drought. As a result, there will be less agricultural production for which our existance will be difficult. Measures should immediately be taken to prevent deforestation.
We know that we cannot stop cutting down trees. But we should plant five trees if we cut down one. So, launching a tree plantation campaign is very urgent. We should also try our best to stop cutting down trees and save the environment. Otherwise, our future would be very difficult and uninhabitable.