Co-curricular activities are performed by students but these activities are not part of real education of an institution. These are helpful to develop various skills of the students which may help them in real life. Our school has various kinds of co-curricular activities. These include drama, dancing, music, debate and sports. We have different clubs for each of these activities.
Drama is the most popular co-curricular activity in our school. The drama club of our school is very rich. It has all necessary equipments. We have huge students who help us in staging dramas. Some students participate as actors and the others work in the back stage. They setup the stage, and help the actors. We stage at least one drama in three months. We have a lot of fun while taking part in this co-curricular activity.
We have some very talented members in our debating club. They not only take part in school debates but also in inter-school debates at national level. They have achieved some prestigious awards in this field too.
Life oriented activities like Scouts and journalism are especially encouraged in our school. These activities have helped us to achieve success in real life. Many of our ex-students have utilized the skills they have learned here and became successful in their career.
Different kinds of sports are the main part of our co-curricular activities. Our school is one of the best schools participating in various sports. All the students participate in at least one kind of sport. Handball and volleyball are the most favourite sports in our school. Our school has won the cup in interschool handball. We also have a very good cricket team.
There is no doubt that co-curricular activities are very important in students’ life. This is why our school encourages us to take part in co-curricular activities besides our regular studies.