Man lives in society. But he cannot live alone. He has to depend on the help and co-operation of his neighbours. Co-operation and fellow-feeling are the most important thing in a society. So, everybody in society should cultivate these virtues and observe them strictly.
I am surrounded by my neighbours. They live next to me in the village. It matters little to me whether he is rich or poor. He is my neighbour and I look upon him as my friend.
A neighbour plays an important part in social life. I help my neighbour and he helps me in return. This is the real duty of a man towards his neighbour. Great is the value of neighbour in social life. There is a saying that good neighbour is a brother.
Every religion gives stress on the duty of a man towards his neighbour. According to Islam a man whose neighbour passes a hungry night without food is not faithful to Allah and he will not be allowed to pass through the gate to the heaven. Not to speak of Islam other religions also enjoin their followers to deal well with their neighbours.
Our duty towards our neighbours is to help them in their dangers and difficulties. We should bear in mind that our neighbours cannot do without our help when they are in distress. We should be acquainted with their financial condition. Their house hold needs and their illness. We should take care of the security of their life and property in all respects. If they suffer from wants of money, we should try to help them as far as our funds permit. If they are ill of any disease we should nurse them and try to lessen their pangs. We should not forget that our Prophet(Sm.) helped people in distress. We should remember his treatment towards the old woman who threw thorns on his way.
A neighbour is as good as a brother. We should stand by him in his needs. We should always bear sympathy for his and extend our helping hand when bad days befall him.