Of all natural calamities flood ravages our country every year. Every year many parts of Bangladesh are inundated. It is almost an annual affair. Floods in our country are caused in many ways. But heavy rainfall during the rainy season is the main cause of flood. It causes sudden increase of water in the rivers and canals and causes flood. Sometimes heavy cyclones, tidal bores, tsunami and melting of snow on mountains cause devastating floods.
Flood lasting many days is a curse to our country. The crop fields, houses roads and streets go under water. Crops and vegetables are damaged and millions of people become homeless. They face the scarcity of food, drinkable water, shelter and suffer much. Epidemic and famine break out bring about misery and suffering of the flood affected people. Various types of diseases like cholera, diarrhoea, typhoid break out.
Cyclone is another natural calamity. It revolves violently round a centre. During the last few years several devastating cyclones hit Bangladesh and cause immense harm to the people. This weather condition is a curse, especially to the people of the coastal areas of Bangladesh . Cyclones in Bangladesh usually originate from the Bay of Bengal and blows towards the land. It is often associated with thunders and heavy showers. It takes away the lives of many people and animals. Dwelling houses are also blown away.
The cyclone also creates the scarcity of food and spreads different diseases. However the losses of cyclone can be reduced to some extent by using the modern technology of weather warning. Flood also can be prevented by building embankments, barrages and a well planned irrigation. The river beds should be dredged for carrying more water by the rivers. An efficient relief measure should also be taken to mitigate the suffering of the flood victims.
In short it can be said that natural calamities for a poor country like Bangladesh are disastrous and so steps should be taken to prevent its onslaught every year for secured and prosperous economy of the country.