Newspaper is called the store house of knowledge. It has become a part and parcel of our life. Modern life cannot go without newspaper. What do people look for after getting up from the bed early in the morning? It is no other than a newspaper. Newspaper lovers can pass their morning hours without food and drink but they cannot do without a newspaper.
The history of newspaper is not certain. Some say that it was first invented in Greece and some say it was first invented in China. The Bengal Gaget was the first newspaper of Indian subcontinent and Samachar Darpan was the first Bangla newspaper.
There are different types of newspapers. They are dailies, the weeklies, the bi-weeklies, the monthlies and yearly’s. Newspapers provide us with various types of newspapers everyday. The dailies mainly appear before us with the news of home and abroad. So they are popular with all sections of people. The weeklies also publish the important news of the week. The monthlies chiefly publish stories, essays dramas and poems. They supply us with good literature. News of history and recent affairs enrich our general knowledge.
At present there are more than thousand newspapers in Bangladesh. The Daily Star, The New Age, The Daily Prothom Alo, The Daily Amardesh etc. are the famous newspapers of Bangladesh.
Newspaper mostly comes to the use of all sections of people. Merchants read them to know market condition. Sportsmen amuse themselves with sports. Literary men gather news and views of the world.
But the newspaper is not altogether free from evils. Sometimes it does a lot of mischief. A newspaper that supports the cause of party carries on wrong propaganda. It creates disturbances in the country. News papers do not work itself, we run it. We make it bad or good.So, we should practice good and avoid bad.