I am an inhabitant of Jessore district. The name of our school is Pulerhat High School and it is situated at the heart of our district town.
Our school starts at 8 am and breaks at 1:30 pm. We go to school with proper uniform and reach there before 8 am. Our daily assembly starts at 8 in the morning. Every day we have seven periods and our tiffin period is from 10:40 to 11 am.
The school is housed in a beautiful four storeyed building. There are forty rooms. There is one Headmaster’s room, office room, Teachers’ Common Room and the Students common room. The library is in a specious room. There is a rich collection of books in the library.
There are 800 students and 30 teachers in our school. They are kind and friendly to us. Most of them are highly qualified and teach us different subjects with great interest. Always they inspire us to develop our moral character.
Our school is rich in co-curricular activities. There are different clubs like debating club, sports club, language club and computer club. I am a member of debating club. Our school has a good reputation in debating. Language club has many members. It helps the students to build up their language skill.
There is a big playground in front of the school building. There we play different types of games. Our physical instructor himself is a good teacher. He trains us properly. Our sports teacher is very cordial and enthusiastic. He helps us a lot to develop our skill in games and sports. In different competition our school won many trophies.
Both the teachers and students are conscious of teaching-learning activities. Every year a good number of students take part in PECE, JSC and SSC examination and the average result is also good. A number of students obtain A+ every year. If any student proves to be weak in any subject, our teachers help them cordially. Many ex-students of our school are working in different sphere of the country. The present minister Mr. X was also a student of our school.
Our school has great reputation for teaching and strict discipline. I am proud of being a student of B High School.