Man has a tendency to turn back to the past memories. There is a saying that the lost days are better days. My childhood haunts me like a passion. Whenever, I am bored of the present, I remember the past day of my childhood.
I was born in the village under Jessore district. The river Kapotakkho flows trough the district by side of our village. In all the seasons, this river was a source of pleasure for me. We played together on the bank of this river, jump into it and swim in it.
The village maktab was another interesting place in my childhood. An old wise Moulovi used to teach us there. A large number of boys and girls attended the maktab every morning. Many interesting incidents would happen while we attended the maktab.
The most memorable day is when my father took me to our village primary school. At the age of six, my father got me admitted into class one. When the school bell rang for a break, we used to run in groups. We stole fruits from trees that belonged to others. There was a bush near our school. We always searched for birds there and if found, we would steal them.
Durig holidays, when my mother went to sleep at noon, we went to the railway line. There I together with other children gathered pebbles. We watched with wonder how the train passed.
I can never forget my childhood. It was the best period in my life. Life was totally care-free then. When I sit idle alone after the tiring day’s work, my childhood memories make me nostalgic. That was really joyous period in my life.