In our country there are six seasons in a year. They appear one after another and bring about changes upon the face of the earth. Rainy season comes after summer and brings profuse rainfall to cool and refresh all. It usually lasts from June to August.
During the season, the sky is over cast with great masses of clouds. Sometimes the sun cannot be seen for days together. It rains cats and dogs. None can go out without holding umbrellas over their heads. At times gusty wind blows accompanied by flashes of lightning and the roars of thunder. Rain water overfills the rivers, canals and ponds.
Rainy season is boon to an agricultural country like Bangladesh, because rain water helps the growth of trees, plants and crops. If there is scarcity of rainfall, paddy, jute and other crops fail. As a result famine breaks out and a good number of people die without food.
Nature regains a new life in this season. The whole countryside looks fresh and beautiful. Besides, the agriculture of Bangladesh entirely depends upon this season. So it is the best of the seasons in our country.
Despite these merits, the rainy season has some demerits, too. We have already described that we are very much dependent on rain. But excessive rainfall causes many problems. It washes away our crops. Sometimes heavy rainfall causes flood which brings about sufferings beyond description. For long time rain, communication system is hampered. Roads go under water. Electricity cannot be supplied for safety. Poor people and day labourer suffer a lot. They cannot go out for their daily activities. As a result they starve.
Rainy season has both merits and demerits. But the reality is that we cannot live without rain. It enlivens the dying nature. It is also necessary for our national development. So, we should have a proper planning so that we can enjoy all the facilities of rain.And thus it can be a real blessing for us.