The age we now belong to is an age of science. Science has occupied every section of our life. Modern civilization is totally dependent on science and technology. Our life is now a day regulated by the great power of science. Wherever we cast our eyes we cannot but be surprised to see the achievements of science. Those who live in big cities and towns cannot think of modern life without science. Now a day science is city and city is science.
Science has done miracle, science is doing miracle, science will do miracle. So there is a kind of magic in itself. It has brought about a great change over the face of the globe. It has enabled man to bring the forces of Nature under his control. The streets and houses in big town or city are lighted by electricity. Our drinking water is made reedy for our use with the help of the machine. We move from one place to another by means of vehicle. We can easily talk to our friends and relatives through telephone and mobile. We listen to world news through radio. After the day’s work we sometimes go to the cinema for recreation. Science has brought the world in our palm with the invention of computer, laptop and internet.Now we can see the whole world and can also show what we want.Social networking sites like facebook and twitter have made our communication easy, faster and cheap.The invention of e-mail deserve praise.
Modern science is like Aladin’s magic lamp. It changes the courses of mighty rivers and drives our gigantic mills. Besides, it has brought about a change in the medical science and removed human sufferings to a large extent. We can now fight diseases successfully with the help of science. X-rays, ultra violet rays and radium therapy are the wonderful achievements of modern science.
Now we can fly high up in the sky like the winged bird. Our aeroplanes can fly at a speed of five hundred miles per hour. Space travel is a wonder full stride of modern science. The invention of Sputnik is a wonderful event. Man now cherishes that he would travel to Mars and other planets through space in near future. Modern science has blessed us with so many things that it can be described in such a short writing.
The age is called Atomic age. Science has made incredible progress in the twentieth century. It has invented some deadly weapons like Atom Bomb and hydrogen Bomb. They can destroy the world within a few hours. But, is science responsible for this?No, science is not responsible for this.We use science as our sweet will.So, we should ensure the proper use of modern science and then it will be really a blessing for us.