Every human being uses their mother tongue for expressing their feelings. It is said that there is nothing sweeter than mother tongue. Every nation has some achievements to take pride. We are the only nation of the world that shed blood to gain the rights of speaking mother tongue. We feel prouder than before since our language day is observed globally as International Mother Language Day. Before 1999, February 21st was a national day. But now it’s an international day.
After the independence of Pakistan, Urdu was declared the state language of Pakistan in 1948. Since present Bangladesh was a part of then Pakistan, government tried to impose Urdu on them, too. But the Bangalis did not accept rather protested. On 21st February, 1952 the Pakistani government forced the Bangles to accept Urdu as their state language but they protested and it took a turmoil condition. The ruling authority imposed section 144 all over the country as the protest grew stronger. However, when students, politician and general masses brought out a procession in Dhaka University area defying the section 144, the police charged fire on the procession. As a result, Rafiq,Jabbar,Salam,Barkat;Shafiq met martyrdom. After the tragic incident the Shaheed Minar was constructed and the famous Bangla song Amar bhayer rokte rangano ekushy February, amiki bhulite pari (How I can forget the events of 21st February since it is stained by the blood of my brothers) was composed. Finally, Pakistani authority was bound to recognize Bangla as the state language. Since then,the day is observed throughout the country with solemnity and due homage.
On 17 November 1999, UNESCO honoured our language movement and the sacrifice of the valiant sons of Bengal. The General Assembly of the UNESCO declared 21st February the International Mother Language Day which is to be observed globally. The recognition by the UNESCO and the observance of the day by the international community has increased our national glory and uplifted the sacrifices of our language martyrs. Through UNESCO recognition, our language day has got international status.
Since 1952, the 21st February is observed as the language day in our country. We remember our martyrs, their sacrifices and pay homage to the heroic souls who laid down their lives for the cause of our mother tongue. On the morning of 21st February people all over the world go to the Shahid Minar barefooted and offer flower wreaths and stand silent in honor of them. At the same time they keep singing Amar bhayer ronke........
We are the only nation of the world to sacrifice lives for mother tongue. The movement sowed the seed of independence that ultimately came into being in 1971. International Mother Language Day highlights the importance of linguistic identity. We are really proud that we have achieved something that has got global acceptance.