Since her birth in 1971, Bangladesh is beset with many problems. Unemployment problem is a great one. Unemployment means the state of being without any work both for the educated and the uneducated. Thousands of people in our country are without any job. More or less every country suffers from this problem but nowhere in the world it is so acute as in Bangladesh.
The toughest task for an educated or uneducated youth is to manage a job. Thousands of candidates compete for a single post.The problem of unemployment is affecting both our economy and society. Many young people become frustrated. Life becomes a curse and burden to them. Many of them get involved in different crimes like hijacking, plundering, robbery, murder, terrorism etc. The example of committing suicide is also not rare.
Unemployment problem is the outcome of many other problems. There are many reasons behind unemployment problem. The rapid growth of population is the main reason of it. Job facilities are very small in proportion to the growth of propagation.
Industrialization plays an important role in removing unemployment problem. But our county is industrially very much backward. Cottage industries have almost decayed. The existing mills and factories can create job opportunity for a limited number of people.
Agriculture can create working opportunity for a great number of people but our cultivable land is very limited and this profession is seasonal.
Our defected educational system is another reason of unemployment. There is little scope of vocational training and technical education. So after taking the highest degree, an educated youth remain unemployed. Besides, there is false notion of dignity among our young generation. They prefer job only. They are not interested to do any manual work or to be self reliant by doing any small businesses.
In order to eradicate this problem we have to mobilize all our energies to this great purpose without wasting time. A large number of mills,factories and industries should be set up.
At the same time, we have to change our education system. More importance should be given on professional, vocational and technical education.This will make an opening to work in different industrial sectors both home and abroad. They should be encouraged to work in agriculture field, cultivate fish, grow vegetables. They can start small business. In fact self employment is a possible solution to this great problem.
But no attempt will bear any fruit unless effective measures are taken to keep the population growth under control. Unemployment is a great curse to a nation.We can not expect the development of our country leaving its millions of people unemployed to survive as a boastful nation. We should make all efforts to get rid of this curse.