Myself: Hello Saiful! How are you?
Saiful: Thank you. I am fine. How are you?
Myself: Thank you. I am also fine. But you know I cut a poor marks in English.
Saiful: Why? Don’t you read English?
Myself: I read but it doesn’t seem important to me.
Saiful: It’s your bad notion. English is very important for us all. So we have to learn English.
Myself: Would you please explain it to me?
Saiful: You know majority people of the world speak English. It’s the language of world communication.
Myself: And.
Saiful: When you will enter in highter education, you will find that all books are written in English.
Myself: Brother also told me that.
Saiful: And the most important thing is if you don’t learn English, you will not get a good job.
Myself: Why not?
Saiful: Because job advertisements always want them who know better English.
Myself: How can I learn English?
Saiful: First you be attentive in your text. Further procedure I will tell you later.
Myself: Thank you very much for your nice advice.
Saiful: You are most welcome.